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Book Club

Book Club Staff 2022

In 2021 we launched our book club. The book club started as an invitation-only opportunity for  Somos Escritoras Alumni but has since expanded into partnerships with local schools.

Book Club - Fall 2023

In 2023, Somos Escritoras partnered with Guerrero Thompson Elementary School for our third book club. For six weeks, all 5th-grade girls participated in our club and read Carmen Tafolla’s Warrior Girl. Our writing mentors visited the school weekly to lead the book club, discuss the book, and write.


Our club participated in a special workshop at the Texas Book Festival, where our entire book club met author Carmen Tafolla. Before the workshop ended, Ms. Tafolla was gifted a handmade book created by our Book Club that included art and writing inspired by her book.

Book Club 2023 with Author Carmen Tafolla

Book Club - Fall 2022

In 2022, our second book club was open to all alumni of our Summer Writing Workshop. We read Cecila C. Perez’s Tumble and met for six weeks. The first five weeks were virtual, and the fifth week was in person at the Texas Book Festival. Our book club was invited to attend the Texas Book Festival for a special workshop with the author of Tumble, Cecilia C. Perez.

Book Club 2022 with Author-Cecilia C. Perez

Spring Book Club 2021

In 2021, we launched our first book club. This club was by invitation only from select Somos Escritoras Alumni. Each week, the club read a few chapters from The First Rule of Punk and met online to reflect on and discuss what they read and wrote about it.

Virtual Book Club 2021
Somos Escritoras Writing Workshop for Girls
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